Tips On Beaver Damage Control In Atlanta
Beavers are destructive animals that can seriously impact your property, especially if you live near a lake, pond, stream or a body of water. Here’s a list the damage they can cause to your house and yard:
1. Tree Damage
•Beavers chew and cut down trees with a quickness to build dams and lodges. They can target a wide variety of tree species, including willows, poplars, maples, pines, fruit trees, and other trees, stripping bark and weakening or felling trees around your yard. Beavers eat the green nutrient rich cambium layer below the bark and have a pretty ferocious appetite.
2. Flooding
•One of the most serious and damaging effects with beavers is when they cause flooding by damming streams, ponds and culverts. Flooded areas may encroach on your yard or even your home’s foundation causing water damage and mold. Prolonged flooding can also lead to soil erosion, waterlogging, structural damage problems and damage to plants, gardens, trees and decks.
3. Damage to Landscaping
•Besides trees, beavers may damage shrubs, bushes, mulch beds, restrained walls and ornamental plants. They will use shrubs and landscaping as food sources and lodge materials, stripping bark and killing root systems.
4. Compromised Soil Stability
•Beavers dig canals to transport materials to their dams, and this excavation can destabilize soil around ponds, rivers, or even in your yard. This may lead to soil collapse or erosion, affecting the stability of your land.
5. Damage to Water Features and Drainage Systems
•If you have ponds, creeks, or any drainage systems, beavers can clog them with sticks and mud, potentially causing blockages. This can lead to backups, overflows, and even minor flooding if the water system is essential to controlling yard runoff.
6. Night Time Disturbance
•Beavers are nocturnal and are typically active at night, causing noise that might disturb your household. If they set up a lodge near your home, their activity can be loud.
Structural Damage
How to Protect Your Yard and Home from Beavers
•Tree Protection: Use tight mesh metal fencing or wrap tree trunks with heavy gauge steel screen to prevent beavers from gnawing and stripping bark.
•Water Level Management: Install a water flow device or a beaver deceiver to maintain water levels and prevent damming.
•Fencing: Surround vulnerable areas, especially around water shorelines, with fencing to help keep beavers out.
•Professional Help: If beavers are causing significant issues, you should contact a private. local wildlife control company for humane removal and relocation.
In summary, beavers play an important role in local ecosystems, but if they threaten your property, taking steps to protect your yard is necessary to prevent liabilities to your home and property. We hope this article helped you with some steps you can take to prevent beaver activity.